Public health education


Public health education in rural villages

Public health education is sadly lacking in Romania and extremely lacking amongst the rural peasants in the far out often vastly populated rural villages. Combined with this is the fact that there are many rural villages even without a family doctor which complicated matters when a person is ill as combined with a lack of funds they often have not an easy possibility to travel to another village or town to be seen by a doctor. There are many who do not know even the basics about their own bodies, internal organs and their vital functions and so on. Young ones instead of visiting a doctor self medicate after a visit online to Dr Google that resolves nothing and makes their illness often far more serious.

St RCHF has for many years worked voluntary in collaboration with the Iasi public health department and has produced its own health educational materials including hand outs and posters and educates in rural areas on many subjects that include not only Tuberculosis but also pneumonia, liver disease, AIDS/HIV, the importance of basic hygiene both in the home, school and workplace, the importance of drinking clean water and to boil all water from rural water wells each time when to be used at home, the importance of cleaning small wounds and how treat minor burns. To give an example, a couple of years ago we called on a man we know as help him with aid on occasion and found him sat in his garden with a face like a balloon. Asking what had happened and was told the fire had blown in his face and he had placed cooking oil on his face as someone told him that was what to do. We rushed him to hospital, but first doused his face in cold water from a pipe in the garden. Here shows the basic lack of health education that could easily cost a life.

Within the Sars Covid 2 pandemic St RCHF again supported with the hospital of Pneumologie in Iasi as well as creating a medical site for doctors and nurses on the subject of Sars Covid 2 along with education in rural villages.

Within the Sars Covid 2 pandemic St RCHF again supported with the hospital of Pneumologie in Iasi as well as creating a medical site for doctors and nurses on the subject of Sars Covid 2 along with education in rural villages.


Your support counts!

Stichting Romanian Children’s’ Humanitarian Foundation receives some monthly donations from long standing supporters who recognize the importance of our work that brings hope and raises standards for the poorest of people in eastern Europe today including both children and the old aged people who suffer the most when living in hard circumstances. We educate children to a better standard in pre schools and schools via the superb Timmy Mouse educational aids that allow every child to learn with ease, plus provide essential school materials to many a child who’s parents have no financial means, support families in difficulty to raise their heads above water and allow a healthier lifestyle, plus help the sick back to health in well designed projects and also provide summer holiday camps for children without the possibility of even a days holiday and much more besides.

Educational support

We educate children and provide essential school materials to children in need.

Health care

We help the sick back to health in well designed projects.

Social support

We support families in difficulty to raise their heads above water.