3850 new anniversary schoolbooks for Romania
It has finally happened! After long savings, we were able to have 3750 anniversary books of the Timmy Mouse Combi book printed. In
It has finally happened! After long savings, we were able to have 3750 anniversary books of the Timmy Mouse Combi book printed. In
St. RCHF would like to wish you all a very happy and hopeful 2025!!
Christmas 2024. Slowly we walk to the doorstep of 2025…. We all want to wish you very happy holidays and a Christmas time in which
Position statement Humanitarian Children’s Foundation from Romania June 26, 2024 for United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. United Nations system common
International Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1 and was established to draw attention to the rights of children around the world and I wish
Wood-project – A special thank you to Remko Jorritsma – Stichting in de Vrijheid Thank you for showing mercy and warmth. Hundreds of people including
(English text see bottom of this article) Op 15 april, heel vroeg in de morgen, begon onze reis naar Roemenië. In bijna 5 uur
Dag 2023, hallo 2024!! Een laatste bericht van St. RCHF om dit jaar langzaam achter ons te gaan laten en ons te richten op een
The foundation is ANBI(Docnr: 58253) accepted by the Dutch tax office (NL). since the 1st of january 2008.