Update December

An update on the last weeks of the year! In recent weeks, we have received a number of donations, which we are extremely happy about. Rather, the children and the people for whom it is intended are very happy with it! For example, we received a pallet of notebooks, pens, clothing and clocks from Smans […]

Arrival schoolbooks Romania

Na een spannend begin van deze week konden wij woensdag namiddag uiteindelijk rustig uitademen, want de 3125 boeken waren terecht! Door een “communicatie storing” was niet doorgegeven, dat de 4 pallets al op maandag in Stefanesti waren aangekomen. Niet precies op de plaats van bestemming, het museum, waar ze mogen worden opgeslagen, maar de ruimte […]

Timmy Mouse All-In-One book

Just a few more weeks of waiting….then we will have the newest textbook in our hands! At this point I would like to thank several people/companies for their contribution to make this possible: Give Eur-Hope St. Paulien S&Q Europe BV J.W.J. Charmant Beheer BV Smans BV and several more individuals, who contributed to this great […]


You can read about the latest news of our children’s summer camp in this camp write up!     web camp write up Zomerkamp august 2023 Dankzij een donatie van Give Eur-Hope kon St.RCHF ook dit jaar een zomerkamp organiseren. Dit keer werd gekozen voor de prachtige omgeving van het klooster in Vorona, in Botosani County, […]

The biggest news is that today, you visit our new website, welcome!

This month, september 2023, not only our new website came to be, but the pdf of the latest book of the Timmy Mouse range has been sent to our printer Strijbos Graphic Group BV in Eindhoven. From day one they have printed our Timmy schoolbooks and at the end of the month they will sent […]